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Đào Mạnh Dũng

Registered SinceTh05 2023

Other Listings by this User (76)

Tel No+84-94567 ****click here to reveal number

Listings115 listings

Apartment for sale, 70m2, 3 bedrooms, corner lot, Duong Van Be street, 1 billion 600 _0

Apartment for sale, 70m2, 3 bedrooms, corner lot, Duong Van Be street, 1 billion 600

Net 70

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngVĩnh PhúPhố Dương Văn Bé


đ 1.6 Billion

Selling Minh Khai townhouse, 32m2 x 5 floors, business, 4.85 billion _0

Selling Minh Khai townhouse, 32m2 x 5 floors, business, 4.85 billion

Net 32

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 4.85 Billion

Selling Truong Dinh townhouse, 44m2 x 6 floors, car, business, 7.5 billion _0

Selling Truong Dinh townhouse, 44m2 x 6 floors, car, business, 7.5 billion

Net 44

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 7.5 Billion

House for sale 18m2 x 4 floors on Tan Mai street, new house right away, 1 billion 750 _0

House for sale 18m2 x 4 floors on Tan Mai street, new house right away, 1 billion 750

Net 18

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiPhố Tân Mai


đ 1.75 Billion

Selling residential apartment on Kim Nguu street, 85m x 7 floors, 20 rooms, huge cash flow _0

Selling residential apartment on Kim Nguu street, 85m x 7 floors, 20 rooms, huge cash flow

Net 85

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngThanh NhànPhố Kim Ngưu


đ 15 Billion

Selling service station on Kim Nguu street, 84m x 7 floors, 20 rooms, price 15 billion _0

Selling service station on Kim Nguu street, 84m x 7 floors, 20 rooms, price 15 billion

Net 84

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngThanh NhànPhố Kim Ngưu


đ 15 Billion

House for sale in Dai Ang, 110m x 1.5 floors, car access, 3 phase electricity, 0945676597 _0

House for sale in Dai Ang, 110m x 1.5 floors, car access, 3 phase electricity, 0945676597

Net 110

Hà NộiThanh TrìVĩnh TrungWR6J+PG2

đ 1.7 Billion

Selling Minh Khai townhouse, 25m x 5 floors, 2 billion 400 _0

Selling Minh Khai townhouse, 25m x 5 floors, 2 billion 400

Net 25

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiĐường Trương Định


đ 2.4 Billion

House for sale in Kim Dong area, 40m2 x 5 floors, Garage, Commercial, 7 Billion, 0945676597 _0

House for sale in Kim Dong area, 40m2 x 5 floors, Garage, Commercial, 7 Billion, 0945676597

Net 40

Hà NộiHoàng MaiGiáp BátPhố Kim Đồng


đ 7 Billion

Luong Khanh Thien townhouse for sale, 45m2 x 6 floors, car, business, 0945676597 _0

Luong Khanh Thien townhouse for sale, 45m2 x 6 floors, car, business, 0945676597

Net 45

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTương MaiPhố Lương Khánh Thiện


đ 7.5 Billion

House for sale in Dai Ang, 110m x 1.5 floors, car access, 3 phase electricity, owner _0

House for sale in Dai Ang, 110m x 1.5 floors, car access, 3 phase electricity, owner

Net 110

Hà NộiThanh TrìVĩnh TrungWR6J+PG2

đ 1.7 Billion

Bach Mai townhouse for sale, 37m x 4 floors, 3m alley, contact 0945676597 _0

Bach Mai townhouse for sale, 37m x 4 floors, 3m alley, contact 0945676597

Net 37

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngBạch MaiPhố Bạch Mai


đ 3.4 Billion

Selling Dinh Cong townhouse, 39 m x 2 floors, beautiful cheap house, price 2 billion 200 _0

Selling Dinh Cong townhouse, 39 m x 2 floors, beautiful cheap house, price 2 billion 200

Net 39

Hà NộiThanh XuânPhương LiệtCầu Định Công


đ 2.2 Billion

Selling Tran Khat Chan townhouse, 115m2 x 5 floors, 5.1m square meter, open alley front, price 9 billion 500 _0

Selling Tran Khat Chan townhouse, 115m2 x 5 floors, 5.1m square meter, open alley front, price 9 billion 500

Net 115

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngThanh NhànTrần Khát Chân


đ 9.5 Billion

House for rent MP Tam Khuong, 30m2 x 4 floors, 5,5 m2, price 25 million VND _0

House for rent MP Tam Khuong, 30m2 x 4 floors, 5,5 m2, price 25 million VND

Net 30

Hà NộiĐống ĐaKhương ThượngPhố Tam Khương


đ 25 Million / month

Selling Phuc Loi townhouse, 59m x 5 floors, garage, elevator, about 8 billion _0

Selling Phuc Loi townhouse, 59m x 5 floors, garage, elevator, about 8 billion

Net 59

Hà NộiLong BiênPhúc LợiHội Xá


đ 8 Billion

Tran Khat Chan townhouse for sale, 110m2 x 5 floors, square footage 5.2m, price 9 billion500 _0

Tran Khat Chan townhouse for sale, 110m2 x 5 floors, square footage 5.2m, price 9 billion500

Net 110

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngThanh NhànTrần Khát Chân


đ 9.5 Billion

Thai Thinh townhouse for rent, 42m2 x 4 floors, price 20 million VND _0

Thai Thinh townhouse for rent, 42m2 x 4 floors, price 20 million VND

Net 42

Hà NộiĐống ĐaThịnh gPhố Thái Hà


đ 20 Million / month

House for sale in Ho Ba Mau, 15m2 x 4 floors, 950 million VND _0

House for sale in Ho Ba Mau, 15m2 x 4 floors, 950 million VND

Net 15

Hà NộiĐống ĐaPhương Liên2R7Q+3JW


đ 950 Million

Only 2 billion to get a 40m x 2-storey house on Dinh Cong street, contact 0945676597 _0

Only 2 billion to get a 40m x 2-storey house on Dinh Cong street, contact 0945676597

Net 40

Hà NộiThanh XuânPhương LiệtCầu Định Công


đ 2.2 Billion

Shaphia place for rent - 4 Chinh Kinh, 110 m2, 3N2VS, price 15 million VND _0

Shaphia place for rent - 4 Chinh Kinh, 110 m2, 3N2VS, price 15 million VND

Net 110

Hà NộiThanh XuânNhân ChínhPhố Chính Kinh


đ 15 Million / month

CC 283 Khuong Trung for rent, 90m2, 3N2VS, full house 13 million VND _0

CC 283 Khuong Trung for rent, 90m2, 3N2VS, full house 13 million VND

Net 90

Hà NộiThanh XuânKhương TrungPhố Khương Trung


đ 13 Million / month

House for sale on Dai La street, 54m x 7 floors, price 36 billion _0

House for sale on Dai La street, 54m x 7 floors, price 36 billion

Net 54

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngĐồng TâmPhố Đại La


đ 37 Billion

Nhan Hoa townhouse for rent 80m x 4 floors, frontage 6m, price 45 million VND _0

Nhan Hoa townhouse for rent 80m x 4 floors, frontage 6m, price 45 million VND

Net 80

Hà NộiThanh XuânThanh Xuân TrungPhố Nhân Hòa


đ 45 Million / month

House for rent on Ha Ke Tan street, 40m2 x 4.5 floors, price 20 million VND _0

House for rent on Ha Ke Tan street, 40m2 x 4.5 floors, price 20 million VND

Net 40

Hà NộiThanh XuânPhương LiệtNgõ 109 Đường Trường Chinh


đ 20 Million / month

Selling Giap Bat townhouse, 45m2 x 5 floors, corner lot, elevator, car park, 6.9 billion _0

Selling Giap Bat townhouse, 45m2 x 5 floors, corner lot, elevator, car park, 6.9 billion

Net 45

Hà NộiHoàng MaiGiáp BátĐường Giáp Bát


đ 6.9 Billion

House for sale on Dai La street, 55.5m 2 x 7 floors, elevator, top business _0

House for sale on Dai La street, 55.5m 2 x 7 floors, elevator, top business

Net 56

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngĐồng TâmPhố Đại La


đ 36 Billion

Dong Tau apartment for sale, 3N2VS, fully furnished, 3 billion 340 _0

Dong Tau apartment for sale, 3N2VS, fully furnished, 3 billion 340

Net 68

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngHoàng LiệtPhố Bùi Huy Bích


đ 3.34 Billion

CHDV Hoang Mai street, 18 self-contained rooms, cash flow of 1.3 billion _0

CHDV Hoang Mai street, 18 self-contained rooms, cash flow of 1.3 billion

Net 83

Hà NộiHoàng MaiHoàng Văn ThụĐường Hoàng Mai


đ 22.8 Billion

Townhouse for sale in Tan Mai, 22m x 4 floors, car, business, beautiful house, 0945676597 _0

Townhouse for sale in Tan Mai, 22m x 4 floors, car, business, beautiful house, 0945676597

Net 22

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiPhố Tân Mai


đ 3.65 Billion

House for sale on Dai La street, 53m x 7 floors, price 36 billion _0

House for sale on Dai La street, 53m x 7 floors, price 36 billion

Net 53

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngĐồng TâmPhố Đại La


đ 36 Billion

Townhouse for sale in Tan Mai, 23m x 4 floors, car, business, price 3 billion 650 _0

Townhouse for sale in Tan Mai, 23m x 4 floors, car, business, price 3 billion 650

Net 23

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiPhố Tân Mai


đ 3.65 Billion

Apartment for sale on Dai Tu street, 101 m2 x 8 floors, 25 rooms, 2 billion per year _0

Apartment for sale on Dai Tu street, 101 m2 x 8 floors, 25 rooms, 2 billion per year

Net 101

Hà NộiHoàng MaiĐại KimPhố Đại Từ


đ 22.3 Billion

CHDV Hoang Mai street, 18 self-contained rooms, cash flow 110 million a month _0

CHDV Hoang Mai street, 18 self-contained rooms, cash flow 110 million a month

Net 83

Hà NộiHoàng MaiHoàng Văn ThụĐường Hoàng Mai


đ 22.8 Billion

Selling residential apartment on Minh Khai street, cash flow 8%, house near the street, easy to liquidate _0

Selling residential apartment on Minh Khai street, cash flow 8%, house near the street, easy to liquidate

Net 54

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 10.7 Billion

Selling service station on Giap Bat street, 28 self-contained rooms, revenue of 2.2 billion per year _0

Selling service station on Giap Bat street, 28 self-contained rooms, revenue of 2.2 billion per year

Net 108

Hà NộiHoàng MaiGiáp BátĐường Giáp Bát


đ 22.8 Billion

Selling Tan Mai townhouse, 33m2 x 5 floors, fully furnished, contact 0945676597 _0

Selling Tan Mai townhouse, 33m2 x 5 floors, fully furnished, contact 0945676597

Net 33

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiPhố Tân Mai


đ 4.6 Billion

CHDV Hai Ba Trung district, 91m2, 21 rooms, cash flow 1.2 billion a year _0

CHDV Hai Ba Trung district, 91m2, 21 rooms, cash flow 1.2 billion a year

Net 91

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 13.2 Billion

Selling Truong Dinh townhouse, 44m2 x 6 floors, car, business, 7.5 billion _0

Selling Truong Dinh townhouse, 44m2 x 6 floors, car, business, 7.5 billion

Net 44

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 7.5 Billion

Nguyen Chinh townhouse for sale, 33m2 x 5 floors, fully furnished, contact 0945676597 _0

Nguyen Chinh townhouse for sale, 33m2 x 5 floors, fully furnished, contact 0945676597

Net 33

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiPhố Nguyễn Chính


đ 4.6 Billion

Selling Tan Mai townhouse, 28m2 x 5 floors, shallow alley, pine, 2.8 billion _0

Selling Tan Mai townhouse, 28m2 x 5 floors, shallow alley, pine, 2.8 billion

Net 28

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTân MaiPhố Tân Mai


đ 2.8 Billion

Selling residential apartment on Minh Khai street, 55m x 6 floors, elevator, 10 rooms, new construction _0

Selling residential apartment on Minh Khai street, 55m x 6 floors, elevator, 10 rooms, new construction

Net 55

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 10.7 Billion

Apartment on Minh Khai street, 90m2, 21 rooms, price 13 billion 300 _0

Apartment on Minh Khai street, 90m2, 21 rooms, price 13 billion 300

Net 91

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 13.2 Billion

Selling service station on Minh Khai street, 95m2 x 6 floors, 21 self-contained rooms, 0945676597 _0

Selling service station on Minh Khai street, 95m2 x 6 floors, 21 self-contained rooms, 0945676597

Net 95

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 12 Billion

Apartment for sale on Dai Tu street, 99m2 x 8 floors, 25 rooms, contact 0945676597 _0

Apartment for sale on Dai Tu street, 99m2 x 8 floors, 25 rooms, contact 0945676597

Net 99

Hà NộiHoàng MaiĐại KimPhố Đại Từ


đ 22.3 Billion

Truong Dinh townhouse for sale, 25m x 3 floors, red book, price only 1 billion 700, 0945676597 _0

Truong Dinh townhouse for sale, 25m x 3 floors, red book, price only 1 billion 700, 0945676597

Net 25

Hà NộiHai Bà Trưng146A Trương ĐịnhTrương Định


đ 1.7 Billion

Nguyen An Ninh townhouse for sale, 51m x 4 floors, car, 8.2 billion _0

Nguyen An Ninh townhouse for sale, 51m x 4 floors, car, 8.2 billion

Net 51

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTổ 13Ngõ 118


đ 8.2 Billion

Selling Truong Dinh townhouse, 25m x 3 floors, red book, price 1 billion 700 _0

Selling Truong Dinh townhouse, 25m x 3 floors, red book, price 1 billion 700

Net 25

Hà NộiHai Bà Trưng146A Trương ĐịnhTrương Định


đ 1.7 Billion

Nguyen An Ninh townhouse for sale, 52m x 4 floors, car, very nice house, 8tyr200 _0

Nguyen An Ninh townhouse for sale, 52m x 4 floors, car, very nice house, 8tyr200

Net 52

Hà NộiHoàng MaiTổ 13Ngõ 118


đ 8.2 Billion

Selling service station on Minh Khai street, 92m2 x 6 floors, 21 self-contained rooms, 0945676597 _0

Selling service station on Minh Khai street, 92m2 x 6 floors, 21 self-contained rooms, 0945676597

Net 92

Hà NộiHai Bà TrưngMinh KhaiPhố Minh Khai


đ 12 Billion


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